What Is A shot List?

A Shot List contains detailed information about the series of shots and their arrangements that need to be taken for a film or video that day. It may help the team to visualize and understand the scene more clearly. It also specifies the task of the day for the project. In film making a shot is a series of scenes that run uninterruptedly for a specific period of time. Below you can see our Templates for Shot List. There are various kinds of Shot list templates. There are Video Shot List Template, Camera Shot list templates, Photography Shot List Templates, etc.(Payslip Template)

Important Features of Shot List templates:

The type of Shot List you want to make depends on your requirements. A typical Shot List contains details about the scene, the subject, and scene setup number. It may also include the shot type or camera angles, and details about the shot size and angles. Hence a Short List Maps out the entire scene in front of the team and the crew. Our templates for Shot List will help you better understand the key points.

Here Are the previews of Free Shot List Templates:

Free Shot List Template:

How To Use Our Shot List Templates:

Simply choose the template that suits your requirements the most. All the templates are created in MS Word and Excel. They are easy to edit and user-friendly. You can download any template from the link given below each preview. Make sure to have MS Office installed to further work with our templates. As a Shot List Template serves very important for the director to express his emotion and directions. Pay good towards making a good Shot List.

Free Excel And Word Templates


Free Excel And Word Templates

Word Shot List Template:

Free Excel And Word Templates

Sample Shot List Template:

Free Excel And Word Templates

Format Shot List Template:

Free Excel And Word Templates

Planning Shot List Template:

Free Excel And Word Templates

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