What Is A Purchase Receipt?

A Purchase Receipt is a crucial document that serves as a proof of a business transaction. It is written  acknowledgement that buyer has paid for goods or service, and that the seller has received the payment. It also consist of various information about the purchase order and methods.The following post contains Free Purchase Receipt Templates for your help and guidance. The receipt provides a record of transaction, including the date, time and the details of the purchase.

This Purchase Receipt Template work as a Purchase Agreement between the buyer and the seller in case of any dispute or inconvenience. And both the parties are obliged to abide by the receipts.

How To Write Best Purchase Receipt Template?

Making receipt not only serves as a proof of transaction between the buyer and the seller but also helps business maintain accurate records of their transactions, which is essential for accounting, tax purposes and auditing. See also Free Invoice Templates. A typical Purchase Receipt may include:

  • Date And Time: of transaction
  • Information About Buyer and The seller
  • Purchase Details
  • Payment Method
  • Total amount

In case of a dispute, a purchase receipt can serve as evidence to resolve the issue. It also describes warranty information and return policies, which can be useful for the buyers.

Purchase Receipt/Invoice Templates:

related: Invoice Templates.

Free Excel And Word Templates

Equipment Purchase Receipt Samples:

An Equipment Purchase Receipt contains all the information about the specifications of the equipment. It includes it’s warranty date, expiry date and may also include the terms upon which the warranty can work. You can include additional notes and prescription for safe keeping, transferring and using the equipment.

Free Excel And Word Templates

Vehicle Purchase Receipt Samples:

Free Excel And Word Templates

Product Receipt Templates:

A general purpose receipt or invoice. You can download template by clicking the free download button below each template preview. As the templates are created using MS Office. You can edit and customise these templates in MS Excel.

Free Excel And Word Templates